Here are the fees charged for the processing and granting of entry visas to Romania:
Type of fee | Charged fee |
Airport transit (marked A) | EUR 80 |
Transit (marked B) | EUR 80 |
Short stay (marked C) | EUR 80 |
A, B and C visas for children from the age of six years and below the age of 12 years | EUR 40 |
Long stay (marked D) | EUR 120 |
The visa processing fees are charged beforehand, in EUR, as well as in US Dollars or in the currency of the state of residence, as the case may be, based on the average exchange rate to the EUR. In countries with a free currency market, visa fees are usually charged in EUR or US Dollars.
The agreements concluded between the European Union and the following states are in force at present: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Belarus.
The nationals of the states with which the European Union concluded bilateral visa agreements are charged the fees agreed on in such agreements, ie EUR 35 or EUR 70, except for the nationals of the Republic of Cape Verde, who are charged the general fee (EUR 60) unless they belong to the categories of third-country nationals exempted from paying the fee.
The Romanian visa is granted free of charge to the nationals of the Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Macedonia, until Romania joins the Schengen Area.
No. | Agreement the European Community / European Union concluded with: | Visa fee charged under the agreement | Emergency/distance* fee (as the case may be, depending on the provisions in the agreement) *please, bear in mind that the distance fee is not an emergency fee |
1. | ALBANIA | EUR 35 | No emergency fee is charged |
2. | BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA | EUR 35 | No emergency fee is charged |
3. | REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA | Visas are granted free of charge | |
4. | REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA | Visas are granted free of charge | |
6. | bondage | Visas are granted free of charge | No emergency fee is charged |
7. | MONTENEGRO | EUR 35 | No emergency fee is charged |
8. | UKRAINE | EUR 35 | EUR 70 |
9. | GEORGIA | EUR 35 | No emergency fee is charged |
10. | ARMENIA | EUR 35 | No emergency fee is charged |
11. | AZERBAIJAN | EUR 35 | No emergency fee is charged |
12. | GREEN HEADS | EUR 60 | No emergency fee is charged |
No short-stay visa fees are charged for the following categories of applicants:
No short-stay visa fees are charged for the citizens of the Republic of Cape Verde , pursuant to the EU-Cape Verde Agreement, in force since December 1, 2014 for the following categories of persons:
No long-stay visa fees are charged for the family members of the Romanian citizens in the following categories:
- foreign officials employed by the organisations that Romania is a party to;
- staff members of foreign diplomatic missions and consulates, persons accompanying state and government officials, parliamentary delegations and other official guests, as well as their family members, on a basis of reciprocity;
- family members of the Romanian citizens, of the citizens of the other Member States of the European Union and the Economic European Area, as well as of the citizens of the Swiss Confederation, whenever they are accompanying or joining such citizens, as family members are defined in art. 2 par. (1) item 3 of the Emergency Government Ordinance no. 102/2005 republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented, i.e.:
- family members of the Romanian citizens included in the categories stipulated in art. 46 par.(16) of the Emergency Government Ordinance no. 194/2002 republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented, i.e.:
- third-country nationals married to Romanian citizens;
- unmarried third-country nationals who cohabit with unmarried Romanian citizens, provided they have at least one child together, hereinafter referred to as partners;
- children of Romanian citizens, of the spouse or partner, adopted children included, who:
- first degree relatives in ascending line of the Romanian citizen or of the spouse;
- a third-country national who is the parent of an underage Romanian citizen, provided that such third-country national can make proof of the fact that the underage is in his/her care or that there is the obligation of a support pension, provided that this obligation has been regularly fulfilled by the third-country national;
- third-country nationals, family members of Romanian citizens, who can make proof of registration with a right of residence in another Member State.
Starting with October 21st 2016, no long-stay visa fees are charged for the citizens of Ukraine, pursuant to the entry into force of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the exemption from visa fees for the issuance of long stay visas.
ATTENTION: The fees charged for processing visa applications are not reimbursed but under the following circumstances:
- the fee was paid at a diplomatic mission or consulate which is not competent to receive and process visa applications;
- the visa application cannot be accepted, in compliance with the laws in force.